fun text

Why not Zoidb... I mean Pete!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Drunk Fish

Thought it would be fun to draw/color something random.  Going to try and do something like this every day.    Just a quick sketch and coloring.  Nothing fancy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Poison Ivy Lunch Sketchin

Wanted to draw up some womenz so did some work on this Poison Ivy over my last two lunches.  First day was the sketch, and second day was the basic paint up and background.  Going to keep working on this every lunch until I'm done.  Also practicing integrating my characters into a background at the beginning of my process.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

western Zelda rough out

Did a quick rough layout of my pose and some basic colors for my western version of Zelda.  I'm going to be posting more steps for her than I did Link.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Western Link - Getting close to finished

I'm getting close to being done with this (ie I don't want to work on it anymore).  It needs a little something else, but I'm not finding it right now.

Western Link Progress

Thought it would be cool to do a version of The Legend of Zelda as if it was a western instead of high fantasy.  This is some progress on Link.  More to come.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Lunch time sketches

I love Arkham City, and I want a spiderman game with the same treatment.  I will proceed to do my own versions of the villians.  Woot!  Vulture sketch during lunch.  More to come.

Get over here!

Old art.  I still like it though.

R is for Rhino

About a year (or two) ago I decided to try and do an ABC's of Marvel characters.  Not really going that quickly, but I've done a few letters.  Trying to put my characters in backgrounds.  Man I suck at backgrounds.  Practice practice practice!  Also, messing heavily with texture brushes here.


Got an idea for this while at a concert.  Saw some album cover that vaguely looked like this.

Doom Redesign

Redesign for the vastly underclothes Doom marine.  Tried to keep some of the style from the original design and mix it with a modern day space suit.  Going to try and do more of the Demons if I can get excited about it again.


BloodSport 10?

Got super lazy posting things so lots of stuff coming out at once that I don't really remember the details of.  I did this for another one of Dave Rapoza and Dan Warren's Bloodsports.  I don't believe I qualified do to lack of studies done for this piece.  Oes the wells.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Crimson Daggers Bloodsport 9

Here's my progress for the Crimson Daggers Bloodsport 9 challenge. It's clearly not done, but I like the piece and I'm going to continue working on it. It still has a ways to go.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Turtle Sketches

A few turtles sketches I did over lunch when I heard Michael Bay was remaking my beloved childhood franchise. Here's hoping he doesn't fuck it up. Ugh, I don't even have hope because I know he will. The turtles are aliens ?! WTF?! I know he says they'll be the same characters, but we want them to be all the same, not whatever he feels like including. You can easily make the ooze alien in origin and not make the turtles, irresponsible teenage crime fighter aliens trying to take out Krang.

Anyway, enough ranting.

Get on with it!

Hello! I'm finally getting my ass in gear and starting an art blog (which I should have had for years but I'm lazy). Soooo yea. Good times. Anyway, since my blog is named "Need Arts?" I figured it would only be appropriate to post my realistic Zoidberg as my first post. And here he is...